This is a video showing the best and easiest way to do a French Tip manicure.
I did it myself.....but didn't think it would actually work so I just slapped it on without shaping my nails or doing my cuticles. It took me about 2 minutes.

Not too bad!! I will most definitely do this again.
I don't really know anything about fashion or beauty or any of that stuff. I usually wear very little make up or none at all (see picture above). But I found some really cool eye make-up tutorials. There was one for a bronze-smokey-eye, one for smokey-eyeliner, and one for making your eyelashes look fake. I kinda put them all together to get this.

I am really self-conscious when I wear this.

It feels like way way too much.

But I thought there was something kinda cool about it.
What do you think??
Speaking of vanity and striving after the wind (Get it?? Ecclesiastes.. King Solomon... anyone?), my new Bible came in the mail!!! Isn't it pretty????

A few months ago I sent a Bible and a Reasoning Book (basically a mini Bible encyclopedia) to be bound together into one book. Don't you love the speckles??

My name is even embossed on the bottom of the cover (which I am strategically hiding with my hand...I'm so clever). I absolutely love it and could not be happier!