Monday, June 25, 2012

Bring on the Bacon & Weigh-In

Weight:  238.2 lb
Week Loss:  -3.8 lb
Total Loss:  -36.8 lb

Hello 230's!! How I've missed you.  The first week of The Eat Clean Diet was GREAT. I felt so good. I was eating a lot and wasn't hungry.  Everything was clean, healthy and filling.   I am super happy with my weigh-in. 

I had planned on having a Cheat Meal on Saturday afternoon.  But the thing about Cheat Meals is that they are slippery little suckers...and this cheat lunch spilled over into dinner...and then over to the next day.  Once I eat healthy I can ride that train for a long time.  But once I break the seal with one cannoli it turns into three with an ice cream cone on the side.  

I am not willing to give up my cheat meal. Sorry no.  Can't do it.  And I don't think I should. It's something I must learn to do. Because I am not going to go through my whole life never having a treat.  And I need to learn how to do it without wrecking my whole weekend and falling flat on my face.  Speaking of falling flat on my face, at least it was face first into THIS....

Holy Trans Fat, Batman!!   Yes, that is a BACON SUNDAE.  I felt like they should have ID'd me or something before selling it to me.  This thing was amazing.  Bacon and Carmel and Fudge, Oh My! Why do people do drugs when Burger King will give you one of these suckers for $2.59??  I guess even crack heads want to look good in a bikini. I certainly can't blame them. 

I am more determined than ever this week.  This is it. This is going to work.  I can feel it.  It's been a rough road but it will be worth every drop of sweat and tears.

"The steeper the mountain, the harder the climb, the better the view at the finishing line."  --Unknown.


  1. I know what you mean about not wanting to give up that 'cheat meal'. Saturday afternoons tends to be the hardest for me to stick to my plan because we're out most of the day. I know many folks who have a cheat meal or a cheat day in their weight loss plans and they still lose weight each week. Maybe what you need is to allow yourself a cheat lunch *and* a cheat dinner on Saturdays then something to remind you on Sunday morning that it's time to get back on track. Like, post a menu/meal plan on the fridge for Sundays' meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, and then do your best to stick with it.

    I find that for me, I can stick to any meal plan and have no problem getting back on track after having a cheat meal if I have my meal plan for the week in view (I actually have a meal plan for 2 wks taped to my cabinet). Another thing that helps me is having my favorite low calorie protein shake at breakfast the next day. I love my shake and it seems to be the kick I need to watch what I eat the rest of the day.

  2. For my protein shakes: I use either Designer Whey brand French Vanilla or Xyngular brand Lean protein powders. I mix it with a cup of unsweetened almond milk, 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter (no sugar added; I like Smucker's brand since it also has no added salt), 1 Tbsp Walden Farms Chocolate Syrup and ice in the blender. Tastes like eating melted Reece's Peanut Butter ice cream! I also vary it by adding pure extract flavoring: almond, coconut, cherry, banana, orange, butterscotch, chocolate. Or I add in 1 tsp pumpkin spice or cinnamon. A delicious, quick breakfast which works well for those days I've got to run out because I can carry it with me and drink along the way. It also holds me for a few hours, until it's time for my morning snack.

  3. Awesome loss this week keep up the great work!!

  4. They make bacon sundaes that can be purchased like that? Wow..I'm..impressed? Haha

    I'm glad the eat clean week 1 went well. Keep up the good work and keep pushing xoxo


Here's your chance to address that Pink Elephant in the room....