We live around the block from each other so she picked me up. Then about 10 seconds after getting on to the main road she turned into this obscure little street that I have driven by a zillion times and never noticed. I was just about to ask her where she was taking me when I saw this....

What? A trail? Right around the block from me? Sweet!!
We started walking and I was shocked by how absolutely awesome this place is.

There are waterfalls. And a creek.
These huge weird mushrooms grow off the trees.

Mmm....grilled portabellas anyone??

This bridge was so nice..in the middle of the woods.

We took a break to enjoy all the "artwork"...

Angst-ey teens.....so deep...
I absolutely loved how odd everything was...like these stairs.

And this narrow bridge.

It felt so nice to be outside. Walking. What a cool discovery! I'm so glad I ventured out.
How awesome! I love discovering near by treasures :)