Thursday, March 15, 2012

Feel Good

I love being tan.  Having a tan makes you look thinner, healthier, and even makes your smile look whiter.  I know its horrible for you and I do not suggest any one go out and do it.  But I did.  See? 

It helps my mood too.  We are having some great weather right now and it just reminds me how much I miss the sun! 

Note:  That full body shot of me shows a typical outfit for me.  That's usually what I can be seen wearing.  I need some serious help.  Tanning will help me feel better.  Well, until my next visit to the dermatologist anyways. 

I also found this tasty sugar-free gum.  I got it at a discount store.  A pack of 3 for $1.00. 
It smells awesome too! I can smell it though my purse.  And the chewing keeps my cravings at bay!

What about you??? What do you do to keep cravings away and to make yourself feel pretty??


  1. I go tanning as well! I know it's horrible, but I love the feeling. I like lying in the tanning bed feeling like I'm in a cocoon of warmth. I can clear my mind while I get my bronze on! MmmHmmm

    1. So glad I'm not the only one with this guilty pleasure! Hey, did you delete your blog??

  2. First of all, how the heck have I not found your blog until today? I could have sworn I was following you, but then I thought to myself, "I never see any entries... hrmph." So here I am!

    I love tanning, I say go for it. And sugarless gum really works for me, too! Especially the dessert delights (I think that's what they're called) flavors. Yum... strawberry shortcake. :)

    1. Thanks Ronnie. Yes! I have most definitely had those dessert delights before. Amazing :o) And thanks for reading! Your blog is a huge inspiration.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! :)

    I can't do the tanning thing as I'm a ginger. But when I want to feel pretty I dress up... put in the effort for make up and the like... since I'm usually a pretty "natural" girl, that does it for me. Sometimes all I need is fancy underwear or a small piece of beautiful jewelry to get that feeling.

    Cravings at bay... ummm... I usually drink water before I eat anything. 8oz before I'm allowed to think about having a snack. If that doesn't do it... I make myself eat a cup of steamed or fresh veg and then ask myself again if I'm ACTUALLY hungry.

    Now, I'm going to go poke around your blog. :) Have a lovely day!

    1. I love that idea about drinking 8 oz of water before you eat anything! I am going to start doing that. Immediately. I'm pretty natural myself.... a little tooooo natural. Don't feel like putting in the effort most days. I like the small piece of pretty jewelry idea. I have a small diamond pendant that I love and you're right. I always feel pretty when I wear it.

  4. Just like Nanette, my cravings buster is water. Side note: I have a favorite cup that I drink out of and I swear that everything taste better in it. lol's how I get my water in...

    I drink one bottle of water from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., 12 p.m. - 4 p.m., 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. and 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. Doing it this way really helps me get my half of gallon in. Furthermore, it helps me cut down on snacking.

    Also, dresses make me feel pretty. I absolutely love wearing a dress so when I'm feeling down I go to my favorite Goodwill store and pick me out a nice $7 dress. :-)

    1. Love the favorite cup idea. I like how you have a plan for getting your water in. Great idea!

  5. yeah! the glass! I have one of those too. I always drink water out of wine glasses. It's all about FANCY. It creates incentive.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. By far, an instant "I feel pretty!" remedy when I feel blah is a pedicure in a bright color and a simple nude color for a manicure. Instant, and it helps to curb my appetite, because:
    1) Nail polish remover/nail polish smell makes me delay eating
    2) Even if overcame the smell, it takes time for polish to dry (what with 2 coats of color and a super thick gloss layer) so even if I wanted to, I couldn't eat for at least 10 minutes, and by then, who knows.

    As far as cravings, I focus on getting enough protein with lots of raw veggies. I can't even finish my bowl of yogurt w/ cucumber, celery, red bell pepper & carrot. So when my craving is stronger than my will, that's what I have. It balances out my nutrition, fills me up, and curbs my craving for junk.

    1. I took your advice about the nude manicure and the bright pedi! It did make me feel good :-) And there is a pic of my pedi on my weigh-in post! I cracked up when I read the reason being the smell making you not want to eat and then having to wait for your polish to dry! So funny yet so true!

  8. I tan too sometimes. Especially during the darkest months here. I find that it lifts my mood!

    1. Isn't it amazing? There is something so relaxing about being in there. And the light helps when it's dark all the time in winter.


Here's your chance to address that Pink Elephant in the room....