It's funny to watch how different people react to this topsy turvy world. Some attempt to change clothes without ever being completely naked. I really admire the ingenuity of this group. It involves a strategically placed towel and two bras being on at the same time at one point. Not sure how they do it, but the effort is greatly appreciated.
Then there's the other group that depends heavily on timing. This is the group I fall into. I reconcile to the fact that when in Rome, I must do as the Romans. I reluctantly will be seen in just bra and undies... but finagle things so no one is actually around when I let it all hang out. This of course isn't fool-proof. There are times when it's unavoidable. But I move at the speed of light to make sure I get covered up as fast as possible.
That leaves the last group. The *naked-loving* group. I can't stand this group. They love being naked. They weigh themselves naked, dry their hair naked, put on their make up naked. I even caught one of them leaving the curtain to the shower open while they were in there!! Maybe I am not as confident in my body as I should be. And maybe my body isn't as *naked-ready* as it could be. So I'm sure I'm a bit more sensitive to this issue.....but I still maintain, that the rule is if you are in the shower and a CURTAIN is provided, USE it. Always.